How to troubleshoot internet connection problems?

Whenever Internet got disconnect me be frustrate and  mashing F5 desperately to reload your favorite website when you experience a problem, here are some ways you can troubleshoot the problem and identify the cause.
  1. Ping (Packet internet gopher)
  2. Ipconfig(Windows) or ifconfig(Linux, Unix and MAC OS)
  3. Tracert (Trace route)
  4. Nslookup (query Internet name servers interactively)
  5. (Loop back Address)

Before use this commands first check  modem and LAN switch status lights if both are device working fine then cross check cable issue.

Next to open command prompt and check your IP
Win key + R -> RUN -> CMD -> ifconfig or ipconfig

If connection has IP address then ping the default getaway. And make sure its get replay from getaway IP otherwise once cross check your router configuration.
There is next command for checking internet packet path is tracert :-

Problems with a Specific Website
Nslookup is a MX and TXT record finder and website troubleshooting command to check you DNS Server Problems.

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