IP Addressing / Difference between Static IP and DHCP IP

IP (Internet Protocol address) is a unique identification number (E.g Telephone number) to the network devices (Printer, Laptop, server) and it assigned on network card, where user can pass there packets in network.

Static IP: -
In general we are use static word for where the thing not changed log time. Same in networking when a device is assigned a static IP address, it does not change. The device always has the same IP address.  

Dynamic IP (DHCP IP): -
Dynamic IP is an IP address which one given to device for lease purpose in general example rented house. DHCP IP address are basically used in big organization where static IP not possible to give in all system or device. ISP is one of best example for DHCP addressing it gives IP address for some restricted time like 24 hours, 1 day or 1 month and after that remove automatically and gives new one.

How to configure Static IP address on devices.

For configuring static IP on LAN card we need to open network and sharing center.

Press the Windows key + R and type the ncpa.cpl in run box.

Select the network device icon and go to the property.

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